Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sample Technical Paper

Sample Technical Paper

  1. Point out error, if any, in the following program
    int i=1;
    case 1:
    printf("\nRadioactive cats have 18 half-lives");
    case 1*2+4:
    printf("\nBottle for rent -inquire within");
    Ans. No error. Constant expression like 1*2+4 are acceptable in cases of a switch.

  2. Point out the error, if any, in the following program

    int a=10,b;
    a>= 5 ? b=100 : b=200;
    Ans. lvalue required in function main(). The second assignment should be written in parenthesis as follows:
    a>= 5 ? b=100 : (b=200);

  3. In the following code, in which order the functions would be called?
    a= f1(23,14)*f2(12/4)+f3();
    a) f1, f2, f3 b) f3, f2, f1
    c) The order may vary from compiler to compiler d) None of the above

  4. What would be the output of the following program?
    int i=4;

    printf("\n A mouse is an elephant built by the Japanese");

    case 1:
    printf(" Breeding rabbits is a hair raising experience");
    case 2:
    printf("\n Friction is a drag");
    case 3:
    printf("\n If practice make perfect, then nobody's perfect");
    a) A mouse is an elephant built by the Japanese b) Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience
    c) All of the above d) None of the above

  5. What is the output of the following program?
    #define SQR(x) (x*x)
    int a,b=3;
    a= SQR(b+2);
    a) 25 b) 11 c) error d) garbage value

  6. In which line of the following, an error would be reported?

    1. #define CIRCUM(R) (3.14*R*R);
    2. main()
    3. {
    4. float r=1.0,c;
    5. c= CIRCUM(r);
    6. printf("\n%f",c);
    7. if(CIRCUM(r))==6.28)
    8. printf("\nGobbledygook");
    9. }
    a) line 1 b) line 5 c) line 6 d) line 7

  7. What is the type of the variable b in the following declaration?
    #define FLOATPTR float*
    FLOATPTR a,b;
    a) float b) float pointer c) int d) int pointer

  8. In the following code;
    FILE *fp;
    fp= fopen("trial","r");
    fp points to:
    a) The first character in the file.
    b) A structure which contains a "char" pointer which points to the first character in the file.
    c) The name of the file. d) None of the above.

  9. We should not read after a write to a file without an intervening call to fflush(), fseek() or rewind() <>

    Ans. True

  10. If the program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog 1 2 3 , What would be the output?
    main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    for(i=0;i printf("%s",argv[i]);
    a) 1 2 3 b) C:\MYPROG.EXE 1 2 3
    c) MYP d) None of the above

  11. If the following program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog 1 2 3, What would be the output?

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i,j=0;
    for(i=0;i j=j+ atoi(argv[i]);
    a) 1 2 3 b) 6 c) error d) "123"

  12. If the following program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog monday tuesday wednesday thursday,
    What would be the output?
    main(int argc, char *argv[])
    while(--argc >0)
    a) myprog monday tuesday wednesday thursday b) monday tuesday wednesday thursday
    c) myprog tuesday thursday d) None of the above

  13. In the following code, is p2 an integer or an integer pointer?
    typedef int* ptr
    ptr p1,p2;
    Ans. Integer pointer

  14. Point out the error in the following program
    const int x;
    Ans. x should have been initialized where it is declared.

  15. What would be the output of the following program?
    int y=128;
    const int x=y;
    a) 128 b) Garbage value c) Error d) 0

  16. What is the difference between the following declarations?

    const char *s;
    char const *s;
    Ans. No difference

  17. What would be the output of the following program?
    char near * near *ptr1;
    char near * far *ptr2;
    char near * huge *ptr3;
    printf("%d %d %d",sizeof(ptr1),sizeof(ptr2),sizeof(ptr3));
    a) 1 1 1 b) 1 2 4 c) 2 4 4 d) 4 4 4

  18. If the following program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog friday tuesday sunday,
    What would be the output?
    main(int argc, char*argv[])
    a) m b) f c) myprog d) friday

  19. If the following program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog friday tuesday sunday,
    What would be the output?
    main(int argc, char *argv[])
    a) r b) f c) m d) y

  20. If the following program (myprog) is run from the command line as myprog friday tuesday sunday,

    What would be the output?
    main(int argc, char *argv[])
    a) myprog friday tuesday sunday b) myprog friday tuesday
    c) sunday tuesday friday myprog d) sunday tuesday friday

  21. Point out the error in the following program
    int a=10;
    void f();
    void f()
    Ans. The program is trying to collect the value of a "void" function into an integer variable.

  22. In the following program how would you print 50 using p?
    int a[]={10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
    char *p;
    p= (char*) a;
    Ans. printf("\n%d",*((int*)p+4));

  23. Would the following program compile?
    int a=10,*j;
    void *k;
    a) Yes b) No, the format is incorrect
    c) No, the arithmetic operation is not permitted on void pointers
    d) No, the arithmetic operation is not permitted on pointers

  24. According to ANSI specifications which is the correct way of declaring main() when it receives command line arguments?
    a) main(int argc, char *argv[]) b) main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];
    c) main() {int argc; char *argv[]; } d) None of the above

  25. What error would the following function give on compilation?
    f(int a, int b)
    int a;
    return a;
    a) missing parenthesis in the return statement b) The function should be declared as int f(int a, int b)
    c) redeclaration of a d) None of the above

  26. Point out the error in the following program
    const char *fun();
    const char *fun()
    return "Hello";
    Ans. fun() returns to a "const char" pointer which cannot be modified

  27. What would be the output of the following program?
    const int x=5;
    int *ptrx;
    a) 5 b) 10 c) Error d) Garbage value

  28. A switch statement cannot include
    a) constants as arguments b) constant expression as arguments
    c) string as an argument d) None of the above

  29. How long the following program will run?
    printf("\nSonata Software");
    a) infinite loop b) until the stack overflows
    c) All of the above d) None of the above

  30. On combining the following statements, you will get char*p; p=malloc(100);
    a) char *p= malloc(100) b) p= (char*)malloc(100)
    c) All of the above d) None of the above

  31. What is the output of the following program?
    int n=5;
    a) n=5 b) n=5 c) n= 5 d) error

Courtesy : Akhila JS , SNIT , Kollam

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